Get to know us

Who we are

Ontario Health Teams are part of a provincial government initiative dedicated to building a connected healthcare system.
The West Toronto Ontario Health Team is a group of 38 health and social service organizations in the West Toronto area which helps coordinate care between hospitals, primary care, home and community care services, long-term care homes, congregate settings, and other services to deliver an improved and seamless healthcare experience for those receiving care in West Toronto.


What We Do

    • Co-create a more connected, accessible and compassionate healthcare system 

    • Provide easy access to health and social care for every resident 

    • Unify the efforts of health and social service providers with community members 

    • High priority neighbourhoods (Weston-Mount Dennis, Rockcliffe Smythe, South Parkdale and New Toronto) 

    • Older adults 

    • Individuals managing mental health and addictions 

    • Individuals living with chronic illnesses 

  • Working groups are the cornerstone in advancing the work we do for our Priority Populations.

    To create a health and social care system that truly meets the needs of West Toronto residents, we’re looking towards the experiences and insights of community members, patients, and caregivers.

    Interested in getting involved? Email so we can let you know when opportunities open up.

    Learn more about our working groups from here.

  • The Partners for Better Care Council (PBCC) is a group of people who have experience in a wide range of health and social care. The PBCC are patients, family members, caregivers and community members. By working together with the West Toronto Ontario Health Team (WTOHT), we want to help make a positive health and social care experience for people living in West Toronto. People who join the Council can help the WTOHT understand the community’s needs and give input on how to help make change.

    To help us do this work and to represent the people living in West Toronto, we are asking diverse members from our community to join our Partners for Better Care Council and WTOHT Steering Committee Working Groups. These groups include healthcare providers and patients, caregivers, families, and community members who work together to ensure equitable health and/or social care. Council members will have equal voices in decision making and governance.

    The PBCC is currently not recruiting. Please check back here for updates on future recruiting opportunities.

  • The West Toronto Primary Care Network (WT-PCN) aims to bring together Family Physicians and Primary Care Providers in West Toronto to lead and co-design healthcare delivery in the area.

    Family Physicians and Primary Care are the foundation for our healthcare system. As an organized, cohesive group, we can leverage our collective understanding of patient care and community practice to combine our voices to effect meaningful change.

    The West Toronto Ontario Health Team continuously seeks to expand its primary care network. If you’re a physician operating in West Toronto and would like to join the WT-PCN or learn more, please contact


How We Do It

Our Strategy

The West Toronto Ontario Health Team is continuing to build a foundation for collaboration and partnerships in West Toronto. Our 2023-24 Operating Plan outlined how we aim to expand the work of our priority areas and equitably involve our community members, local physicians, and member organizations every step of the way.

Click here to read the full 2023-24 Operating Plan.

Our Guiding Principles

We believe in equitable access to care and services for everyone in West Toronto and enabled by a population health approach to planning.

  1. We will ensure that the diversity of those we serve in West Toronto is reflected in our planning.

  2. We will be transparent and communicate regularly with each other.

  3. We will collaborate with patients and caregivers in ways that demonstrate positive impact.

  4. Together, we will apply a holistic, coordinated and integrated approach to planning for the population of West Toronto and collaborate towards the co-creation of the West Toronto OHT.

  5. We will demonstrate fiscal responsibility and be accountable to patients and community.

  6. We will value all partner contributions and respect diverse perspectives and expertise.

  7. We will commit to sharing our people, time, resources and expertise to make a greater impact.

  8. We will remain nimble and open to continuous learning.

Our Geography

Image of a Toronto map indicating the geography of the West Toronto OHT.

We provide services to people who live within our boundaries, and to those who live beyond our geography who are clients of our various member organizations.

Our boundaries extend from the Ontario 401 Express in the North starting from Highway 427 and Centennial Park in the West until Allen Road and Bathurst St. in the East and going South until Lakeshore Blvd. This area is West Toronto, and includes neighbourhoods such as: Bloor-West Village, The Junction, Liberty Village, Parkdale, South Etobicoke, Weston, Yorkdale, and Islington.